Episode 9

Published on:

8th Aug 2023

30 Days to Make Your Money Count

30 Days to Make Your Money Count 

Over the last decade a small, secret group of Jesus Followers have been working to raise up a new breed of wealth managers. 


This special group of wealth managers is focused on helping people create a better plan for using their money, to make a difference. To make a difference in their communities. To make a difference in culture. To make a difference, in the world. And, as always, to make a difference in the lives of the people they love. 

We all know, that true wealth, is not about having more toys and trinkets. True wealth is about influence, and impact. 

Money is tangible, but money is also emotional in nature. It's necessary for the exchange of goods and services, but money is also, often, what divides spouses and families. Money is a primary source of permanent scars among loved ones. It's used to rebuild entire nations and their infrastructure, but money is equally vitalto support the poorest among us, for food and shelter.

If you're a Financial Advisor, and if you want to learn more about our special group of financial influencers, join me, on The Salty Advisor Podcast. 

In each episode, we take a fresh dive into the principles, and the process, of building wealth. If you're ready to take your Financial Planning Process to the next level, Join Us Today.

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About the Podcast

The Salty Advisor Podcast
Executive Life Coaching for Women of Wealth, Business Leaders, and Financial Planning Professionals
Welcome to The Salty Advisor Podcast where we share invaluable lessons and transformative experiences shared by our community of Financial Planning Professionals.

In this season of The Salty Advisor Podcast, we pay tribute to the life-changing principles imparted by our mentor and Executive Life Coach, Doug Carter. For almost 20 years, I have been a part of the Doug Carter Summit along with a beautiful community of Financial Planning Professionals. We’ve all had the privilege of one-on-one executive coaching sessions with Doug throughout our careers.

Executive Life Coaching is the focus of this season and I hope you’ll join us as we Video Live Stream each episode of The Salty Advisor Podcast:

📽YouTube @JimMunchbach, and

- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JMunchbach
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/JimMunchbach
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jimmunchbach
- LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/JimMunchbach
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@JimMunchbach

This season will focus on Executive Life Coaching for Women of Wealth, Business Leaders, and Financial Planning Professionals. Here is a quick list of some reasons to engage in Executive Life Coaching:

🔷 Clarity of Vision and Purpose: Enhance your understanding of both professional and personal objectives, empowering you to lead with purpose and clarity.
🔷 Alignment of Business Strategies with Personal Values: Learn from our experiences on integrating business strategies with personal values for a fulfilling professional life.
🔷 Reinforced Leadership Confidence: Hear firsthand how bolstered confidence in decision-making can align with long-term visions and goals.
🔷 Enhanced Strategic Communication Skills: Discover the importance of communicating strategic visions and business values effectively to various stakeholders.
🔷 Mastery of Purpose-Driven Storytelling: Explore the art of narrative creation that motivates teams and aligns with business purposes.
🔷 Strategic Business Growth and Personal Development: Witness strategies that expand businesses while fostering personal growth and aligning with life’s purpose.
🔷 Balanced Professional and Personal Life: Understand how to achieve a satisfying balance between professional responsibilities and personal life.
🔷 Authentic Executive Presence: Learn to cultivate an executive presence that reflects true personal values and professional ambitions.
🔷 Purpose-Driven Business Planning: See how strategic planning can aim for financial success and create a lasting impact aligned with personal values.
🔷 Renewed Sense of Fulfillment and Legacy: Experience the renewed purpose and fulfillment that comes from leading a business that truly reflects your vision, values, and purpose.

The Salty Advisor playlist will include a collection of powerful stories featuring Women of Wealth, Business Leaders, and Financial Planning Professionals who have experienced personal transformation as a result of Executive Life Coaching authentic community. Join our community to discover how these lessons can inspire and guide your own professional journey as we Pay it Forward.

About your host

Profile picture for Jim Munchbach

Jim Munchbach

Hi, I'm Jim Munchbach, CFP® Professional and creator of the Missional Money podcast, sponsored by Family Podcast Network and my company: BayRock Financial. I've been teaching Personal Finance at the Bauer College of Business at University of Houston for over a decade.